All about ME
- Marlini Ridlis Ismail
- Anchorvale Link, Singapore
- A mother of 3 boys. I love motherhood! Married to a loving husband who adores his family. I am a Founder, Trainer and a Birth Doula certified, I loved my profession. All Rights Reserved. A courtesy notes, please do not republish, reprint or copy pictures without my permission. Greatly appreciated! Do leave me a note or so whenever you take a peek @ my blogs.. Cheers!!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Randoms ending year 2009...
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Fried Potatoes Casserole
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Starter... Quilting Coasters
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
New rice cooker, few mins at the field & hangout @ nenek house
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Running Errands for year-end
We didnt get to go Madrasah Irsyad as we are supposed to collect P1 books next week.
Then off we go to IKEA, our all-time favourite store where great items at great prices. And we just love IKEA's Smaland. But, Sufi & Khair simply loves to tag along with us to shop ;)
Managed to buy the cloth linen, rugs, utensils, stonewares, organisers, knives, scissor, preparation bowl and the list goes on (thou not completing my shopping-list, whc there are lots more to buy!!). Christmas is the time to shop at IKEA as they have lots of great deals!
Then we went back to Compass Point to sent the Phillips Rice-Cooker to Best Denki for repairs and then to SingTel to get myself Nokia E63 - which is on zero dollars. Otherwise I will not be buying any to replace to old spoilt mobile. Cool. Love white always.
Grabed a meal frm BK and off home. Tired, the kids sure was esp walking up & down the gigantic IKEA!!
We are still preparing, clearing and lots more for the New Year... And Sufi busy with his doodling on cardboards while Khair & hubby installing the clothes rack that we bought from Ikea.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
SubUrban Trip to Cameron Highlands 11Dec09

My hubby been there before, but not me... The journey is far more scary than I ever imagined. Didnt expect the road to be so curly like a snake. My heart almost stopped the moment we go swirling up to the peak of the mountain. The journey to KL was almost 4hrs as we stopped only once. When we reached to KL, the journey to Ringlet is about 1.5hrs and the toll to Ringlet is almost RM20. At Ringlet, there is Iskandar Lata waterfall and the Orang Asli Village along the roadside. Their house are so unique thou you cant imagined that there are still such houses in this era. The waterfall is beautiful. We didnt stopped thou, but had a dipped when we are going back to Singapore. From Ringlet to Tanah Rata where our hotel is took us another 1.5hours to drive up. We stayed at the Century Pines Resort, which is the central of Cameron Highlands. There is a mosque just beside the hotel. Above all, the hotel is great! Its more than we can ask for. There is no a/c or ceiling fan as its really breezy in the day although you can feel the sun. At night, its damn cold!!! Freezing to my bone! My chipmunks loved to cuddle up! I am suprised, there is a lake ontop of a mountain.
And not to mentioned the pine trees at the mountain! Its everywhere and I love them! The fresh scents coming from those pine trees really made my day. Not to mentioned the ones surrounding our hotels, and along the roadsides. Its fresh and beautiful.
We dropby Klang for a few hours, to my hubby grand-uncle's shop. Will be uploading pictures soon...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Over the weekend... Random Blues...
She's gone. Is it going to be forever? I am totally not sure. What I am sure is Allah loves his ummah & always giving us a chance to know him better. Since she's gone, question marks eludes everyone of us at home. And everyone is starting to be as vigilant as never before. Forgive? Yes, maybe its already history, but to forget? The scar is always be there till every each one of us leave this physical world.
I am still counting the days.... Its only the 2nd day today.
Salam Aidiladha.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Resuming Weekly Art Lesson...
Its towards the end of Syawal, cookies almost finished, drink toppers kept, coasters tiled ready to be kept away. Baju kurung washed & folded away. Swimming lesson has started and Furqan has already started with his weekly splashing-time. And even the weekly art lesson by Teacher-Mummy has started too, which Sufi & Khair has been urging me to start as soon as they have missed a lesson. And I am feeling happy too. Its always thereupatic when you can sit down & start drawing whatever that came across your mind. The picturistic ideas that the boys can think of is so clear and they cant wait to draw it down.
My handset blackout on/off
Hi family, friends and fellow buddies, my handphone goes berserk! It will just go off anytime, anywhere!! So please, if i took a longer time to reply to your sms... calIs not a problem its just the display screen... I know, I know nowadays Nokia phone is not reliable and esp when you get it for zero dollars, thats what most friends & relatives mentioned, but i love the SMS, its easy, faster with the keypad! hhmmm... is it the time for a change of handset?
heheee... hubby where are you??? New phone for me plsss!!!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Salam Lebaran...
Its the penhujung of Ramadhan... preparations almost done, and hoping that I can seat back & relax on raya eve.
Do take note that MyMumsWorld (S) will be closed officially from 14Sept-27Sept and will resume with new postnatal/prenatal on 28Sept/Mon. Thank you for your support!
And finally, I would like to wish all family & friends and to all Muslims 'Salam Lebaran, Maaf Zahir Batin'.... To all, enjoy your long weekend!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Iftar w/out hubby...
Cam with me baby...
Its a lazy afternoon & baby furqan just need to be amused, after a hectic hours with my older boys I need time to unveiled myself and with the help of baby furqan... Huby mentioned that I found a new facet in myself... becoming a super mommy hahahkks! Sure am, barking, growling early morning like screeching witch! So this is the time i really lay back & rest, thou not exactly, halfway through stuffing the hungry chirpy baby!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Happy Birthday Sufi !!

Its another year for my Sufi, he turns 6years old this month and I see him becoming more & more mature as time flies. He is a grown up boy. Sometimes, I missed those days but I felt blessed that Allah has let him see the world up to this age. May Allah blessed you baby.
He asked for Korean food, unlike Khair who went for Japanese Food. More pictures will be upload soon. We had a great feast @ Seoul Garden last week and we had a short tram ride at the Downtown East.

The Office Room Curtain
The only curtain that I had sewn for past 5yrs!
Perfect Match

I read this novel in early year 2008. A beautiful, sad, full of sacrifices family tale...
My Sister's Keeper

Another novel by Jodi Picoult, one of my favourite novelist. Read this in early 2008 too.. A heart-wrenching story about how sacrifices evolves and how a parents' love can affect you...Recently featured in StraitsTimes that a sequel will start soon in Hollywood. I cant wait!