This happened last month...It was late afternoon, it was hubby off-day and we went to pick up our old baby cot that we bought back from Min - very sweet of her to sell it back to us... of course with the help of hubby's friend who drove a goods van. And not mentioning the weather was really hot, i am sweating like waterfalls!! phewww!! After which we had a short tea-break @ Jln Kayu which the shades are not really giving enough shades =)
Thereafter, we waited for the boys to reach home & decided to fix up the baby cot together... we want them to feel that they are equally important and with the arrival of the baby, they are not to be replaced instead to add on as a merrier... We believed they had a great time.
Theres also the new baby bumper which i managed to get it at 40% off last month, the good-will gesture froma fellow tutor - Fadil who worked temp @ Aussino. I have a few of mine but was thinking of having a few spares... and not forgetting some new newborn clothing to last me at least the first 10days, well i am only having PreLoved clothings whc ranges frm 3-6mths so this is a must have items... thanks to my sis - Maria, i really make full use of her MotherCare member's card =)