Its Friday again. And I am loving it so far. The boys has been great these past days especially Sufi & Khair. And maybe the weather are great always each day, each time when they are home from school. Sometimes, the humid & hot weather makes a kid restless & will trigger their unbelievable tantrums! Not mentioning the adults too.
For April, Sufi has started his Arabic Tuition. Every alternate Fridays. For the rate in Singapore, alternate weeks for tuition is not enough. But Rid & I do not wish to put a stress to the kids. Since they are enrol in the Islamic school, secular & ukhrawi has already taken half of their day.
When Sufi is attending Arabic Class, we will spend time with Khair & Baby Furqan.
Sufi starts school at 7.30am and ends til 4pm. Except on Fridays till 2pm.
Khair start school from 11.30am & ends till 2.30pm.
And I am always looking forward to Fridays, its a start of an early weekend for us. Well, after their snack time, shower and they will start with their cartoons, playtime with Baby Furqan, updates for or just relax...
If Rid is not working on Friday, we will spend the evening at the park or cycling. Followed by dinner & then school homework if possible to be completed by tonight. We prefer the weekend to be just relax, apart from Mind-Maping/Interactive Learning which is just in between meals, tv or just hangout..
Saturdays will be swimming training which will last the whole morning having fun at the pool. And followed by Art Lesson or Phonics at home, self-taught on alternate saturdays. The reason, do not want the kids to be too tight up in classes, and I want to bond with them as much as i can.
And the rest of the weekend, hurrayyy!! Its always fun, fun & fun especially hubby is a great entertainer to the kids. They just love him!
And looking forward to the next, next & more to come weekends. Always.
Forget to mentioned, we had great time at the Anchorvale Park last few days. The nature is serene, the kids is running around freely without boundaries.
All about ME
- Marlini Ridlis Ismail
- Anchorvale Link, Singapore
- A mother of 3 boys. I love motherhood! Married to a loving husband who adores his family. I am a Founder, Trainer and a Birth Doula certified, I loved my profession. All Rights Reserved. A courtesy notes, please do not republish, reprint or copy pictures without my permission. Greatly appreciated! Do leave me a note or so whenever you take a peek @ my blogs.. Cheers!!
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The Office Room Curtain
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Perfect Match

I read this novel in early year 2008. A beautiful, sad, full of sacrifices family tale...
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a great weekends to share with others. i cant wait for mine, next 10 years time. hehehe
Insya Allah Sara.. you will find happiness if you strive to reach for it.. Amin
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